
思い出したいのは 楽しかった事 じゃなくて
たくさん泣いた事 求めた事
忘れ去りたいのは 笑い合えた事 だった
たくさん求めたあった 二つ前 春の事

暖かくなったら 思い出す匂いも

ひらりひらり 繰り返す 繰り返す
ひらり 繰り返す度 近付いて
ひらりひらり 繰り返すのやめたなら

どうしていたら どうしていたら
どうなっていた どうなっていたら良かったって
あなたも わたしも 更に染み付いた

ひらりひらり 繰り返す 繰り返す
ひらり 繰り返す度 離れても
ひらりひらり 繰り返したその先で また会えたらとか繰り返すんだ

ひらりひらり 繰り返す 繰り返す
ひらり 繰り返す度 近付いて
ひらりひらり 繰り返すのやめたくて

「春が舞い散った」” への3,728件のフィードバック

  1. Hi Angie,I LOVE this card. The cork adds so much, and the island indigo was such a good color to bring in. I hear that there’s not much chance that we’ll meet, but I participated in the same swap yesterday…my card had the circles with the button and “love you” stamp. Look forward to continuing swapping with you!Michelle

  2. Looks and sounds delicious with the added kick of being healthy, nourishing and simple.How odd that although I’d heard of it I never knew it was merely blended and not cooked. Delicious.[] Reply:August 14th, 2011 at 9:26 pmIt is such a great recipe. Hope you get a chance to try! Thanks for stopping by! I’ll stop your website, too.[]

  3. MY driving peeve is this. When I have missed an exit on the freeway, am off the shoulder onto the grass and backing up,WHY DO YOU HONK YOUR HORNS?Do you think I don't know there is a freeway there?Do you figure the blast of sound will improve my concentration?What?

  4. it was untested, and advised against it. BOTH clients forged ahead and have experienced splits and cracking…big ones. One lady has wide cracks next to her sink, and another family has a jagged break in a big countertop. Sadly, these pretty but fragile counters are NOT ready for prime time just yet. Lucky for me, I kept that spec at arm’s length and never had to take responsibility. I didn’t have to say “I told you so”…the sad result was very obvious.

  5. Shila ckp sblm naik flight..means kt bhgn departure klia. Kt tngkat tu x byk kedai pon. Nk turun tgkat bawah nnti tak bleh lepak lama, terkejar2 naik atas, pastu tunggu sambil berdiri. Baik lepak area departure tu je. Kalau x silap ada mcd, kfc, secret recipe..abis kalau x lepak mcd, pegi kfc la gitu? Dan mcd paling dekat dengan gate. So mmg sume org malas bersusah-payah makan jauh2 dari gate tu. X caye cube la pegi kaji.

  6. As an American, I can only share my sadness about the crimes and misery that my government as visited upon Chile and to many other parts of the world. The “Land of the Free” is in reality the most disgusting terrorist nation in the world.

  7. حسن قال:الاخوان اللي يكولون ان سامسونك تبيع ثلاجات حتة تدفع الغرامة اظنهم نسوا ان حبيبتهم ابل المبدعة الخلابة بروسسرات جميع اجهزتها من سامسونك ويشاع انها طلبت طلبية شاشات لما يعتقد بانها لجهازها الايباد الجديد من سامسونك!!!!!!!!! Apple you R just a big baby

  8. I’ve pretty much been forcing fall to arrive by making soups, pulling out my fall purse and celebrating the return of college football.My favorite signs of fall? Cheering on the dawgs, the smell of pumpkin spice & the lattes (I am a fan), & SWEATERS & BOOTS! wa-hoo!

  9. சரியாகச் சொன்னீà®°்கள் பகுத்தறிவு. இந்த அளவுக்கு புரட்டிப் பேசுகிà®±ாà®°்களே! தந்தை பெà®°ியாà®°் கோபப்பட்டால் கூட “வெà®™்காயம்” என்à®± வாà®°்த்தையைத்தான் உபயோகிப்பாà®°்///ஏனெனில் கிடக்கிà®± கெட்டதை யெல்லாà®®் தூக்கிபிடிக்கிà®±ீà®°் நல்லதையெல்லாà®®் ஊரவன் அனுபவிக்கிà®±ான்

  10. Ok…I ADORE this apron and since I teach preschool I can see mylesf wearing it and stashing sharpies, paper, kleenex, ALL KINDS OF THINGS!!! I would be the most stylin teacher since a lot of them wear just plain ol denim ones. I have also loved the wrap bracelets and will have to break down and actually buy one for mylesf soooon.


  12. she is willing to take her fight to seat Florida’s and Michigan’s delegates to the convention if the two states want to go that far.Asked whether she would support the states if they appeal an unfavorable rules committee decision to the convention floor, the former first lady replied:”Yes I will. I will, because I feel very strongly about this.”She doesn’t care if she destroys Obama and the Democratic party along the way. She needs to be locked up and placed in a padded cell.

  13. Det vet ju vi sen innan att alla dessa "ledare", imamer och mullor ALDRIG spränger sig själva. (De flyr frÃ¥n hot och död med svansen mellan benen….)Nej, för "martyrdöden" dÃ¥ använder de oskyldiga och okunniga barn, unga pojkar/män och kvinnor samt även utvecklingsstörda och handikappade…Den "fredliga och kärleksfulla religionen"?Det konstiga är att inga muslimer tycks ifrÃ¥gasätta detta?/FS

  14. It is inspiring to think that the women of Hancock have been working for the greater good for over 100 years. Thank you for uncovering and sharing his story. It reminds me of the women who come together to sew school bags.

  15. I lately came across your blog and have been learning along. I thought I would leave my first remark. I don’t know what to say except that I have loved reading. Solid blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  16. Yeah, jordan2222, that may well be. I’ve been known to over-respond. At the same time, however, when I see language like that from a commenter whose name doesn’t seem familiar to me, I think I do intend to sort of say, “Whoa!….wanta clarify that???” But thanks for your note

  17. Con todo mi cariño, Rafa.No acepto que nadie diga que el PSOE o el PSE son partidos de derechas. Si queréis políticas de izquierda unida, reflotad esa cosa a la que llamáis partido y sed opción.Mientras tanto, la izquierda posible, hacemos lo que podemos…

  18. predictions mean nothing until they happen…or don’t..as far as 2012 is concerned, that’s when the Aztec calendar ends..does it mean anything …maybe…maybe not. The clear thing in all of this is…can you do anything to prevent this news from happening? The answer is no, so why waste time being afraid? Anyone of us could die right this minute, and I predict someone, somewhere is.The asteroid is also called 433 Eros

  19. "Eddig úgy gondoltam, hogy ha világosan látszanak az érdekek, sunnyogás nélkül megbeszélhetők az ügyek. Valószínűleg éppen ez a baj, hogy tudniillik nincsen tere a sunnyogásnak."Józsi, hidd el (vagy ne hidd el, tökmindegy), a baj az, hogy nincsenek "érdekek", amiknek látszaniuk kellene.Az, hogy itt eljópofizunk veled a srácokkal, puszta időtöltés. Aknakereső vagy pasziánsz más formában. Nincs jelentősége.

  20. Welk aard van aanbidding is het gevolg van valse leer ..??“Tevergeefs eren zij Mij, omdat zij leringen leren, die geboden van mensen zijn.” Math.15:9“Dit volk eert mij met de lippen, maar hun hart is verre van Mij.” vs.8Ref. Dan.7:25. Men heeft het 2e gebod verwijderd en het 4e gebod veranderd.

  21. The easiest and cheapest, free really, way to deal with climate change is just banning new construction of coal, oil and gas fired facilites while granting wind, nuclear and pumped hydro state loan guarantees.Exceptions will be made for reserve power and gas in those places where there is no other alternative for load balancing.

  22. I totally agree that VLC is the most versatile and best free video player out there. In my opinion it is better than most commercial players. I use VLC about 95% of the time.

  23. aku pon pkai hellobar jugak kat blog.. kalau rasa nk tukar link kat hello bar, hantar je 1 tweet dgn hashtag khas, terus tukar ayat dan link kat hellobar tu.. skrg dh jarang guna.. tp terpasang lagi kat blog..Anarm recently posted..

  24. Nadji, tienes razón, es la primavera arabe..en especial del pueblo arabe!Tu mousse es delicada y apetitosa, me apetecen mucho estos postres ultimamente, de hecho guardo tu receta para ponerla en practica pronto!!!Mil besitos Nadji!!!!!

  25. tu trebuie sa accepti si sa intelegi un lucru: marea majoritate scrie si tine blog din placerea de a scrie, de a incerca ceva nou. NU e disperata dupa SEO si bani…incearca sa ii diferentiezi pe oameni si celor care spun ca vor bani..ajuta-i, daca crezi ca ai o reteta castigatoare…

  26. I partially agree with you. Absolutely keep everything in your own name. However, I’m not a big believer in the fee only planner is better than commission only or fee-based (fee plus commission). Compensation doesn’t guarantee a financial planner will work in your best interest. A basic understanding how cost affects return, expense ratios, and a few seconds with BrokerCheck will help avoid those mistakes.

  27. Hallo,Ich dachte, ich würde schreiben, danke zu sagen für meine tolle Ferien und schicken Ihnen ein paar meiner Lieblings-Bilder. Auch ein großes Dankeschön an Adel für die schöne DVD hat er mir. Ich werde jedem erzählen, wie wunderbar ihr seid und ich hoffe, in der Lage sein Umbi Dorf wieder besuchen im nächsten Jahr!Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Lola(Kunden buchten über Oonasdivers, bitte)

  28. I’ll post another video on day 10, but everything is going? well so far. I walked for about 30 min yesterday and was really sore in my back this morning, but that is expected. I have some leg still but that’s expected also. I start physical therapy day 30 so I will know better then how long before I can run again, box, etc. From what I understand it takes about 4 months to be back fully working out the way you were prior to the injury. Check sandiegoloco’s videos too, they helped me.

  29. Elena, you so carefully share what fundamentalism has ignored in Scripture. I grew up memorizing the Bible and never stopped to consider the passages regarding eunuchs. Thank you for your insight and wisdom. I look forward to hearing more from you!

  30. Dear Nikki, Please try to make a movie if there was a movie it would be so cool like diary of a wimpy kind and try to read the book "The royal diaries" its diaries of princesses it is very nice but the diaries were translated i hope you and macenzie get along and is there a 3rd book i would totally buy it it is so going to be the best

  31. De la capătul curbei gaussiene a distribuţiei te anunţă un băutor de ceai că el, unul, bea cafea o dată pe an. Mai e relevantă şi ora la care bea cafeaua cu pricina? Aşa credeam şi eu.(Asta, aşa, în ciuda avalanşei de reclame la tot soiul de cafele cu care ne asaltează mass media.)

  32. christine — September 17, 2012 at 10:44 pm Hi Betsey – it was a pleasure meeting you as well. Thank you for stopping at my booth and taking the time to chat. The best thing about the boat show was meeting so many wonderful people. I am happy that you are enjoying the book. Wishing you all the best. Christine

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  35. ma non ho sufficienti conoscenze di Ingegneria strutturalePerò è una sfida. Pensavo a strutture in macinato di biscotti aggregato con nutella, e rinforzate con travi di cioccolato fondente*. Come isolante penso che il pan di spagna sia ottimo. Ah, e il cuscino in materiale a memoria di forma che ho comprato recentemente ha la stessa consistenza del marzapane.*Fondente, così i complottisti non possono lamentarsi se viene giù a 800°C 😛

  36. Thanks for your this template!I just uploaded this template to my testing blog, (its not publically visible). This template white color is hard to eyes, so how do i use "#ffffff" type color or that kind of color to your this template?

  37. Great question…on our Chocolate Honeybush label we include an asterisk that explains the trace chocolate contains caffeine. very small amounts of chocolate and trace caffeine, but still present. We use a dark chocolate but do not claim any antioxidant properties…again very trace amounts of chocolate and caramel and rose petals…wonderful tea.Thanks

  38. In truth, despite Canadians’ opinions and Lee’s assertion, the American Civil War was about slavery.Historian James M. McPherson quotes Emerson’s statement at the outset of the Mexican War that “Mexico will poison us.” McPherson goes on to say that “The poison was slavery, which many Southern politicians wanted to introduce into the new territories” conquered in that war. Northerners opposed expansion of slavery.Opposition to expansion of slavery was the core theme or tenet of the Republican Party.

  39. Hello just wanted to give you a quick heads up. The words in your article seem to be running off the screen in Opera. I’m not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with internet browser compatibility but I figured I’d post to let you know. The design and style look great though! Hope you get the issue fixed soon. Many thanks

  40. Les syndicats sont la plaie de la Société…. fomentateurs de grève, ils sèment le désordre et la pagaille dans l’Industrie, les transports, l’enseignement, et les services publics, et tout cela ? uniquement pour exister et profiter des avantages trop généreusement accordés par un gouvernement faible et peureux. Dans ce domaine non plus, la France ne rejoindra jamais l’Allemagne.

  41. omg it’s tiny!how is the new nano video, actualy i didn’t know it was even out yet..thats a cute color too XD i have a second generation ipod nano,but no videos ah u’ll be so cool walking around with thatwhat’s aswedish ..princess cake?[]

  42. I think Laura’s advice was great… while it’s good to look at possible causes, it is very possible that you just had an off day. You’ll do great and whatever happens on race day happens. You can’t control everything but hopefully you’ve got some good performance goals to get you through as well!HUGS!! You’re an awesome runner, just remember that!

  43. With Massaquiedksjfikajdp playing well, not injured like last year, a good running back, and if they would have drafted a good TE or WR, Colt would have this team at 6-2 at least. Wheeden has 4.5 seconds plus to pass compared to last year for Colt at 1.9 seconds. Colts are is healthy and he can run and is smarter as a QB than Wheeden…….That’s all that needs to be said.

  44. Asta-i gluma? Cum sa glumesti pe seama japonezilor dupa cele intamplate. Ori esti prost facut gramada ori ai un simt al umorului macabru si probleme de mandibula. Daca erai tu in locul muncitorilor de la centrala nucleara care isi dau viata pentru ca altii sa traiasca mai scriai articolul asta? Mai erai glumeto-inteligent? Esti fericit ca inca nu ti-a picat bobitza de cesiu radioactiv in cap si ca Doamne-Doamne ti-a dat calculator si posibilitatea de a plati abonament la internet ca sa scrii din fotoliul tau comod?

  45. Ví a Calderón en el Mc Donals de Liberia hace unos días… Ya saben, cn despliege de camaras y fans(increible pero cierto) pidiendole autografos.Se me olvido el ridiculo de hombre q es al ver lo gordo q esta ese hombre a su ya tan vieja edad y COMIENDO AHÍ? ay q ver q cuando uno pensaba q no habia nada peor, Calderon lo empeora!Me levante de mi mesa con la tarjeta de mi nutricionista en mano, y cuando la iba a firmar, le dije "es para ud…" Me dí la vuelta totalmente seria y me cage de risa cuando se fué!!! Buaaahahahahah!

  46. JerryNo follow-up/due dilligence or quote from Gonzo–it is from si not a message board? Or is this something you would rather sweep under the rug…Of course seton hall fans blame everyone but the coach for this.Hey, this might save them the embarassment since they don’t have a shot in hell to get Cheek.

  47. Clearly you weren’t getting enough of something, I would have to know exactly what you were eating to really know what caused that effect, I went vegan for a few months and become light headed one night, started craving eggs and went to the store. I have felt amazing since I started eating eggs again. Listen to your body, let your body tell you what it needs for its optimal health.

  48. squashpractice – thanks for your thoughts. I do take climate change quite seriously, but I also think, right now, that it appears to be a slower acting problem, without the breathtaking growth rates of things like biofuel production. However, it seems quite possible that there are unsuspected non-linearities in the climate system that could cause rapid changes or, worse yet, flickering between modes, which could make it extremely serious. But it seems very hard to quantify those risks.I haven't looked much at the high altitude wind thing – any favorite references?

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  54. dcHello there! Would you mind if I share your blog with my twitter group? There’s a lot of people that I think would really enjoy your content. Please let me know. Many thanks

  55. I think it would be cool if they add on to the Little Italy they want to bring back, the Hall of Records museum is there already. It can be a mixed use with a cobblestone road cutting through, with Italian restaurants, markets, Gelato, and put a neon sign on top of it all called Little Italy, like the Americana has in Glendale.

  56. Actually, I'm from Spain and the legal drinking age for beer and wine (I think they include champagne here too) is 16 years old. For anything stronger, you have to be 18.So Miley's beer was not ilegal in Spain….but that's quite a ways off from when she'd be able to legally drink that beer in the US.

  57. I love the “buy American” sign in the store selling Chinese-made goods. I wonder if they sell any “ironies.” ouchThanks for the comment on my blog about the Eldercare Underground. I’d sure like to hear what your total immersion experience in it was like.

  58. I have the same palm tree condition, because we don’t have those around here. Although I do have a small one in my office. My friend in Southern California always thinks it is funny when he sees how many photos I take of the palm trees in Florida.

  59. "Quigley, You should be tried for treason by the people of Pa. and never see the light of day again. Scumbags are born everyday and obviously it was your day. I cant believe a so-called Judge would do this."Tried for treason for ruling according to PA law, which is exactly what he is supposed to do? Unbelievable.

  60. to be this particular report in relation to not one but two kids whom screw it up over and over again And and maybe assist me to come up with a few of my complications. Many thanks to read, as well as for this wonderful information. I wish every body the very best as you go on to transfer on..

  61. and back again. Moral of the story: it pays to maintain good relationships with editors because you never know when your paths will cross again. In the past 18 months, I’ve worked with three freelance writers who in previous years had

  62. Ces petites souris sont adorables!Chez nous la Petite Souris est passée deux fois cette semaine…et pour la même bouche!Bonne fin de semaine et bonnes réalisations!

  63. I’ve been living in Schaerbeek for 8 years and I had no idea this place existed! Thanks for the tip, now I’ll be sure to go and check it. The food, Louise and your exhibition: 3 good reasons to go!

  64. Thank you, Eric, and everyone else, for your courageous posts. Yours in particular struck a chord, Eric. Narcissistic mothers. You can spend half a lifetime trying to decipher your ass from your elbow because you buy into the story. When I realised that there was another way of seeing myself, it was like being dragged into a parallel universe – and not a particularly comfortable one at that, because it runs counter to everything that I thought I knew and believed in. A painful rebirth. (But no consciousness without pain, hey?)

  65. That could be the 64000 concern. There would seem to get far too a great deal of dissonance in between the polls. Rasmussen has Romney consistently ahead (albeit by a smidgen) and NBC/WSJ presents Obama a big 5 level margin. What presents? And it appears being counterintuitive that Obama leads Romney in Virginia nevertheless tralis in Colorado! What gives? Poll are all over the map and they may perhaps not be meaningful till two weeks prior to the election.

  66. Oh this sounds great, I hope many leaders in the US and Europe read it. At least more people are speaking out.absurd thought -God of the Universewants Taliban Earththat’s what liberals want toodestroy all human rights.

  67. weeks ago, I visited the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis while on our Senior High Justice Journey.  The very first exhibit was called “Unremitting Struggle”.  I wrote that phrase down

  68. vanderleia / ele e muito bonito demais da vontade de abracãr ele e apertar , mais fici com um pouco de medo ele e emorne , maies e um aminal maravilhoso . cuida bem dele que ele merece tixaoGostei deste comentário ou não: 3

  69. Și mie îmi place mult muzica chillout. Preferatul meu este Chris Spheeris. Dacă îți place muzica chillout cu iz oriental, încearcă și Omar Akram ! Weekend plăcut !*Ai un ping la ARTE.

  70. Well I feel for ya. When I was on Hostgator the same thing used to happened to me too on rare occasions. Usually you can find a backup file for the older htaccess file in the same directory. I don’t know what it is called though.

  71. Du er jo innlandsjente du også Elin, det var ukjent for meg også helt til jeg flytta utpå her. Men om det finnes en fiskebil i dine trakter så kan du jo forhøre deg om den har det, eller om de kan skaffe. En fin kveld ønskes deg og dine

  72. « C’est des coups qu’il faut donner maintenant à l’adversaire, pas des caresses ».Tout est dit: ce type, pour assoir sa popularité, est capable de laisser croire que les entreprises sont l’ennemi du peuple… Aucun sens de la responsabilité ni de la réalité, et ça se dit prêt à gouverner. Triste sire, vraiment.

  73. Blow up the TV. — We use ours for NASCAR only, with a lovely set of rabbit ears on the top! Now NASCAR is on cable for the summer so we are hunkered down in front of the radio!I think I would die if I had that box blathering at me all day long! WInes the laymen can't pronounce – hilarious.

  74. Le printemps arrive (les jours durent plus longtemps et les oiseaux ont changé de mélodie – depuis décembre déjà)… Un beau plat bien appétissant. 2013 est mon année. On verra ce qu'elle réserve.Bises,Rosa

  75. i did research too and only saw an image of them on one site in japanese- aside from contacting Bless to see if they have any in their berlin store to ship over, i've only seen them here and nowhere online for purchase but you could dig around some more. they are $271 at project no. 8 and that's actually on sale (were originally $4–). i'm sure they would ship if you contacted them!

  76. Have seen your program on Apple i-phone. Still undecided about an i-phone, htc or Nokia. Will the system work on all? My home computer is ibm type, can I print to my Cannon?

  77. bang mohon infonya..bagaimana cara mengelompokan blog kaya abang???jadi rapi bagus ada kelompok2nya…kaya software khusus softwareherbal tentang tumbuhan bagai mana cara mengelompokannya bang???mohon infonya saya newbe masih belajar bang jadi belum ngerti… sebelumya makasih bang…

  78. Ali thats ok. It’s interesting how the music business works. I wonder why they are doing a voice over for BEGIN. How and where would they show the promo.

  79. Hello…I would like to show my gratitude for your kindness for folks that completely need to have support with this specific content material. Your quite own dedication to obtaining the message all-around became particularly good and have in most cases encour…

  80. Since Beta change I too keep on getting the error message about Hello your java is switch of etc.I've followed all the help and it did help but still I can't watch:( I'm totally pissed off with youtube now.Strange I can view the video's in this blog and on myspace but I can't view them in my account or youtube.

  81. Ä°stanbul’da sıcaklarla başımız dertte. Daha sabahın erken saatlerinden başlıyor kavurmaya. Rüzgar birçok yerde güney yönlü estiği için sıcaklık 30-32 derecelerde ama yavaş yavaş kuzeye dönüyor. Tuzla şu an 32.4 derece ve yükseliş var.

  82. Hi Ann, I made macaroons today, and they were hollow, cracked and had no feet. so far as I know I mixed them about right because the mixture looked like yours in the video. Also, I did rap them as instructed.Help would be appreciated. I’m determined to get this right!

  83. Я ученик школы, мои родители работали в этой школе….интересно это кому же с директором не повезло????? имя то свое назови

  84. Those knuckleheads that run FoodNetwork Canada didn’t pick up Emeril Live for their schedule, opting instead to deliver a multitude of really low budget garbage shows. Man do I miss this guys show.I hope in future they reconsider, as even old reruns of How to Boil Water or Essence are way better than some of the cruddy CDN shows they try to highlight. US Food Network TV rocks, the CDN version blows.

  85. Naming TherAppy is the best-selling word-finding app to help people with aphasia and children with special needs practice important naming and description skills, and now you can add your own images!  It uses 3 different strategies to help users learn up to 700+ nouns, verbs and adjectives.  [Read our review]

  86. Tänk va roligt det skulle va´att få vara vinnare för en da´Levande ljus vi tänder var kvälloch vet du, jag har faktiskt varit snällSnön ligger vit och frosten den glimmaoch jag är rätt kass på att rimma!

  87. Tein tätä vuosi sitten ja olipa hyvää. Nam:) Nyt rupesin miettimään kun ohjeessa käsketään pilkkomaan kuivahedelmät, mutta aineksissa ei ole muuta kuin hillottuja kuoria. Onko hedelmät jääneet pois aineksista vai tarkoitetaanko pilkonta ohjeessa nuita hillottuja kuoria?

  88. “But the stakes are too high now.”Why do you say that? Seems like a win-win for Israel. They can build more settlements until they acquire all the “facts on the ground” they want. If there is a massacre of settlers, then Israel has the excuse it needs for even more direct ethnic cleasing, even annexation.

  89. It really is rare to encounter an expert in whom you might have some confidence. In the world of today, nobody definitely cares about showing others the way in this subject matter. How fortunate I am to have found a wonderful blog as this. It really is people like you who really make a genuine difference currently through the strategies they discuss.

  90. Man, I really need to see this. I was supposed to go on Saturday, but other stuff came up. I loved the book, and have been very curious how they’d do a movie on it. I’ve only heard good things, so I hope my expectations aren’t too high now. The book was centered around Beane, so that makes sense he’d be the focal point. I’m going to have to see this tomorrow night haha…

  91. Johanna6 november, 2012Jättestort tack för att du delar med dig! Det som är absolut mest tragiskt är ju alla dessa människor som inte FATTAR att det är allvar! Ska genast kolla ditt inlägg.

  92. dit :Do youve a spam problem on this web site; I also am a blogger, and I was wondering your scenario; weve got created some nice techniques and we are looking to exchange solutions with other people, be sure to shoot me an e-mail if serious.

  93. BonjourPour ma part, peu m’importe que le dispositif Duflot n’ai pas été accepté à partir du moment qu’ils proposent un texte de loi plus avantageux que le Scellier qui présente tout de même de sacrés avantages pour les acquéreurs de bien immobilier.

  94. Lickspittle hey?That’s a new one.You forgot to mention that he was locked up for more or less being insane.Nice that you have finally recognised that I am not an anti-Semite by the way, well by omission at least you have refrained from calling me a “Nazi” for a while.I knew honesty would be your downfall Andy. Have a nice day by the way I enjoy your site very much.Cheers.Luke Connors.

  95. Mark Wahlberg quiere ser el Uwe Boll en la faceta interpretativa!No es bueno, pero de ahí a decir eso hay un trecho. Se me ocurren mas de 10 y de 20 actores mas malos que el.Creo que NeoJin se refiere, más que a su capacidad como actor, a su capacidad para arruinar adaptaciones de videojuegos.

  96. Díky za odpověď 🙂 VážnÄ› Litvínov? JeÅ¡tÄ› Å™ekni, že jsi chodila na Gymnázium T.G.M. Je to oÅ¡klivé mÄ›sto, nesnáším ty herny na každém rohu, ale zvláštní, i potom co jsem se odstÄ›hovala 100 km daleko, ho stále beru jako svůj domov, ostatnÄ› mám tam půlku rodiny. Ale to se zakecávám. Dobré mít i hlas pro. Jsem spíš tvůj případ. K místu, kde teď bydlím mÄ› nic neváže, a tím, že na Slezskou poÅ¡lu pÅ™ihlášku, nic nezkazím..

  97. Don,It started off as an Italian salad and got bigger from there as I built it.We’ve got sliced mozzarella and Italian tomato surrounded by tuna and sprinkled with radish sprouts and sliced olives, all on a bed of spinach leaves. The dressing is (1) my homemade pesto (the green stuff) and (2) a drizzling of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was pretty good.Kevin

  98. With George Lucas the sole shareholder, it would suck to be an employee of LucasFilms. Essentially, none of the creators or executives get ANY benefit from the sale of stock. They *might* get a benefit in other pay (what’s Lucas going to do with $2,000,000,000 in cash? Buy Obama the Presidency?)

  99. house and there were 11 of us there. Sweet family time and great food. I tried a new recipe for  Twice Baked Bourbon Hazelnut Sweet Potatoes (I used Scotch and pecans because that’s what I had on hand), and we all liked them very

  100. The Abby is ethereal. We learned about Sant’Antimo while staying near Pienza at Agriturismo Cretaiole. I would encourage you to visit if you are in the area. It is definitely worth the trip.Our only regret is that we weren’t able to attend the Sunday Mass to experience the service. Photos of my visit to Sant’Antimo can be seen on my shutterfly site. I’m returning to Tuscany in May and look forward to attending a Sunday mass.

  101. I think I will like being an oldster WHEN THE TIME COMES (watch it!). I thought your dragon was awesome! Did you eat it? So are there two Americans in your class, counting you? Is the girl to your left an American?

  102. Hola amiguita!!!, justo andaaba yo dandole al coco con una receta de arroz con frutos secos que lei ayer, y ahora tu me muestras esta delicia que redondea por completo lo que tenia en mente!…tal vez la haga esta noche, si me dejan las obligaciones escolares de mis hijas! :)Te quedo como siempre MARAVILLOSO!….y lo digo bien en serio Kako bonita!

  103. I love what she had to say at the end about “making examples” out of average citizens by taking them to trial when the courts and everyone knows they could never pay these outrageous penalties. Yet somehow the banks are allowed to settle for sums that are nothing to them. No one takes them to court simply to make an example out of them.

  104. Agora 00:46 de segunda, uma notícia me fez voltar aqui…Acabo de ler no Tazio que a Bridgestone anunciou sua retirada da F1 ao final da temporada 2010. Já existe alguma especulação de qual fabricante possa vir a fornecer a borracha a partir de 2011??? Será que podemos voltar a ter concorrência, com duas ou até três fabricantes diferentes?? Quem sabe a Goodyear não retorna???

  105. Caro Pinho Cardão, concordo com o que escreve, com a devida excepção de ontem não ter sido o primeiro grande teste. Ontem sem dúvida que foi um grande teste, mas não podemos nem devemos minimizar o apuramento da fase de grupos que representou em si um feito significativo até hoje apenas superado pelos magriços…de recordar que esta geração já esteve no mundial da Coreia-Japão e não conseguiu tal feito tendo um grupo tão ou menos competitivo que o que tivemos este ano. A César o que é de César!cumprimentos

  106. Wraia h thesh sou, symfwnw oti ena ergaleio mporei na einai poly dynato. Allwste den shmainei oti ola ta aristourgimata ths zwgrafikis eginan me do-it-yourself pinela… sigoura ta perissotera agorastikan etoima.Alla einai shmantiko na mathoume kai thn texnh paragogis pinelwn… estw na asxolithoume gia ligo… na kseroume otan agorazoume pinela, ti akrivws agorazoume.tp

  107. Vital records? You have got to be kidding me. What vital records, a note from Mommy saying:“I’m Barry’s Mother. Please excuse Barry from class as he’s a natural born citizen.”

  108. I’m a chick and I believe everyone is different..not all men are like this and in fact I would not want a man that likes chick flicks and fake tans thats annoying girly stuff and I rather have a man! thats like me saying every chick loves watching bravo and spike tv and going to the mall and the beach and blah blah blah NO that is just me not every woman is like that.

  109. he deeply regrets the execution of Humberto Leal Garcia"Navi Pillay deeply regrets the execution of a murderer and rapist yet has no problems with retaining on staff a racist and liar, Richard Falk.That's human rights in the 21st century!

  110. Oct06 Per fortuna!Resta, però, che la prima bambina concepita in vitro è nata nel 1978, e il Nobel lui l’ha avuto nel 2010, all’età di 85 anni.Non so se una così lunga negligenza su un capitolo tanto cruciale della scienza dipenda da qualche azione preordinata a questo fine; magari no. Però a me sembra curioso che il Nobel gli arrivi 32 anni dopo il momento in cui, grazie a lui e a Steptoe, alle coppie infertili si è resa possibile la speranza.

  111. Artig bilde. Jeg liker høstens farger, men ikke tanken på at vi går mot snø og is og mørketid. Det er våren som er min favorittårstid:-)Ha en fin helg.

  112. נטלי לוין 23.11.12 | 23:59Hey Noa,If you like the combination of Halva and chocolate I’m pretty sure the filling you suggested would turn out very good. Personally, I would definitely give it a shot!Good luck Natalie להגיב

  113. You have to be kidding me Jerry, Syracuse fourth. They had one bad game, outside of that they have been bludgeoning their opponents all year. Come on Jerry start watching some basketball. I know you hate boeheim, but be objective.

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  118. I remember those 10p frames, what a transformation, I love the poodle prints, very retro indeed. I have a metal baroque type mirror in waiting for a transformation, but was worrying about what paint to use, I love how you re-use and recycle everything. I can imagine you have a wonderful array of resources and plenty of materials at hand. I must admit as much as I love Kirstie I really do, you are my favourite Vix, I always am forever inspired by your innovative and creative ways xx

  119. Posted on Gilee beneerrr dah cepet banget reportasenya Yep don.. bloggerhood itu emang indah.. bayangkan cuma karena kita sama-sama ngeblog, kayaknya langsung sama-sama ngeh dan ngeblend. Itulah kehebatan ikatan blogger.Itu foto terakhir sumpah dah keren abis

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  121. “Másrészt nagyon kíváncsi lennék, hogy ez az eyears nevű valami milyen néven lett porrá alázva korábban, amiért most itt próbál kompenzálni.”Alig szóltad el magad, bumbikám!Kit is vádoltok folyton összeesküvés-elméletek gyártásával?

  122. Almost all I can comment on is, I am not sure what to express! Except certainly, for the excellent tips that are shared with this blog. I’ll think of a zillion fun tips on how to read the content on this site. I do think I will finally make a move using your tips on that matter I could never have been able to deal with alone. You’re so clever to permit me to be one of those to benefit from your practical information. Please recognize how significantly I appreciate it.

  123. I always wanted to recover those chairs! They now look fantastic and I KNOW there aren’t 5 layers of fabric underneath cause I too procratinated and never got around to it. Enjoy your new table set, and yes DO make that table runner now before the chair seats are faded! lol

  124. suis entièrement d’accord que l’allemagne respecte encore les ingénieurs, et tous les métiers techniques, ce qui n’est pas le cas de la France. Si c’est trop tard pour les adultes, investissez dans l’allemand pour vos enfants. C’est le choix que j’ai fait en mettant en place un bilinguisme précoce+allemand scolaire qui permet de faire voyager les enfants tout seuls le plus tôt possible.

  125. A little comment from HuffPost:I’d be willing to bet that the T-Party is no more than a racist front to put white people back in power. All the talk about Liberty, Freedom, American Way is code for “I want my white house white again”. They will let the GOP do whatever it takes to get BO out of office including impeachment.They like the expression:If you’re black get back.If you’re brown sit down.If you’re white you’re right.And that’s the way it still is in America ok anons..I'm ready.

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  127. cara queria saber sobre esse online pass, eu consegui colocar o codigo normal e tal pra joga online !! mais como eu fui muito mais muito burro eu limpei toda a minha conta e o pass code só pode colocar em uma conta ! mais ae eu queria saber se depois de um tempo não quando sai uma nova DLC possa jogar online de novo sem precisar do online pass code alguém me responda por favor. comprei meu ps3 esses dias ! minha conta na psn é ViniciusDX_13 adc lá…..

  128. Wintere – názor na Landu a jeho tvorbu máme rozdílný a asi těžko budem hledat kompromis,ale i tak díky za diskusi:-)K tomu Baumaxovi – Nazzijaz jsem vidÄ›l “live” a pÅ™iÅ¡lo mi to spíše jako uslintaný pokus Landu zesměšnit a udÄ›lat z nÄ›j debilního nácka, než jako povznesená recese – projevem,textem, vším

  129. Intimately, the post is in reality the greatest on this valuable topic. I agree with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your incoming updates. Just saying thanks will not just be enough, for the fantasti c lucidity in your writing. I will instantly grab your rss feed to stay informed of any updates. Admirable work and much success in your business enterprise!

  130. well, i don’t know how old you are… so these books might be a little mature for your age… but i read the kind of books you mentioned here and i really like Dixie Cash’s books.. other than that, i would just go to a library and look in the same sections as you would find those books in. (the library is better than a book store because if you like the book you can always buy it later, but once you’ve bought it, it’s yours. even if you hate it)

  131. Sharon,Sorry you are having problems — I am not aware that we are able to un-subscribe you.. I will look into it. I believe you must do that yourself from the email comment you receive – for each email address you may have used.. and then re-subscribe just once under one email address.Thanks for being a friend and subscriber. In Jesus Christ eternally, Jack

  132. Speaking of Amélie, try Dirty Pretty Things, also with Audrey Tautou. Now there’s a movie I could watch over and over 4 times over and over! Stay away from TV; it’ll rot your brain. I could name about 40 jobs I’ve had, but that would be really boring.

  133. It’s great that the site is popular. But I still wouldn’t minds seeing a couple of changes to the player. Like a better indication of loading progress, and better caching/buffering performance. I also think the logo should be a part of each video, rather than a separate item loaded first, because as a separate item, it’s much easier for someone stealing your video to leave the source off.(That would help people with slower connections, who tend to hit pause first to let videos load completely. Only to come back and find that they’ve waited for a 4 second logo).

  134. Hopefully this poor boy will get some protein. I believe in starting the day with protein since the amino acids are so important and will keep us going throughout the day – just like you are saying. A little with every meal, not just at night… since that might actually slow up your metabolism, some actually have a hard time absorbing protein so if that is the case eating it early is better… bless you for caring.

  135. alors je ne resiste pas à copier coller la phrase d antoine que j avais auparavant copié collé et envoyé par mail à un ami à moi:Effectivement le petit Tomic ne se prend pas pour de la m…, par exemple ceci: « You know I think I play really smart. Hopefully my smartness can make me win me a set or two, maybe even win. I can’t guarantee. It’s Roger ».Effectivement, Bernard, ce n’est pas garanti et tu vas peut être même prendre une bonne claque, mais bon, c’est pas interdit d’essayer..

  136. Who is a Natural Born Citizen and eligible for POTUS?We have a definition of Natural Born Citizen. The Supreme court told us so in Minor. Anyone with common sense and no political agenda can read it and see for themselves.Constituional scholars Breckinridge Long and A.P. Morse tackled this issue long ago. I suggest reading the papers they published in actual LEGAL JOURNALS !

  137. Tarasyk Ого! Це ж треба таке! Я й не знав, що в моєму рідному місті перше українське кіно зробили! Круто!Цікаво було ознайомитися з цією статтею. Вельми вдячний!

  138. bonjourJ'ai decouvert ton blog par hasard et je l'adoooore!!J'aime tout ce que tu fais des recettes aux photos c'est excactement le style de gateaux que je fais a mes enfants et a mon mari Cest un plaisir de te lire et de regarder tes realisationsFelicitations

  139. Skully – I wanted to revisit your posts on RA fan fervour given the recent BAFTA phenomenon. For many months the RA fandom has behaved with “sedate propriety” and even poo pooed the media articles written about the AA and fan image. I’m not sure if you are a member of any of the RA forums but if a journalist were to secretly sign up to read the BAFTA 2010 threads on the AA or C19, they would immediately see that the image they have painted is true….lol. Fingers crossed they never do read the threads!!!!

  140. Moving to the cloud was the best thing that happened for the network of Allshore. It is a complete peace of mind. We, at Allshore network team, are now focused more on just the operating system part of the servers, rather than hardware problems, power issues, availability of hardware, internet and network issues. So it’s like 75% of our network team work is done by could seamlessly. It is the power of cloud and I am sure there is a lot to come from the benefits of cloud. Thanks Bryan for the decision of moving to cloud and thanks Corevault for providing cloud services.

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  147. 10216Sep75285fBryan Magana 47aThanks for telling us your story, Sean! I’ll be praying for you as you continue to follow Christ and pursue holiness. Glad you found this blog and hope to hear from you in future posts.VN:F [1.9.20_1166](from 8 votes) 155

  148. I started a site jov.io a month ago. I'm still waiting for my first click-through from Google. I know a month is not a long time, but to get zero traffic is pretty discouraging. It's a lovely little site, with a good ue and entirely original content. Is it not also important to support new sites, that are not from a name you'd trust? Did I miss the bandwagon?My suggestion is to through a few clicks through to junior sites to see how the crowd reacts.

  149. Már várható volt, hogy ismét beindult Czeglédy úr oldalának a lejáratása. Már korábban is ilyen otromba néven jelentkeztek be és kötözködtek egymással, elterelve a figyelmet a témáról. Bizonyos szavak használatával akarják leminÅ‘síteni az oldalt. Természetesen tudatos akcióról van szó, úgy mint a többi oldalakon megindult “hirtelen szerű” baloldal elleni támadás. Továbbá azon kommentelÅ‘k becsmérlése, akik merik kritizálni a jobb oldalt és dicsérni a baloldalt.

  150. Right…..years ago appx 20 percent of the population was on the government dole….now it is about 50/50 …if things go as they are now with the 99 preventers voted into office. Down the road there will be 80 percent on the government and only 20 percent. Paying for it….how long will the government be able to keep paying out????? Soon all of you government Moochers will be living under a tree and NO. oNE. WILL. Be able to help you and it will be all your own fault. YOU. WILL. OWN. IT

  151. Jeff M,This is interesting. I remember when that “adoption” occurred and I thought it odd. But then again, I remember thinking there was no way Obama hadn’t been properly vetted.I think it’s important to put information out there and give others the opportunity to discuss it, especially in forums like this. Otherwise, we all might as well go back to reading the propaganda printed in the traditional rags.

  152. Neo says: December 9, 2012 at 8:54 amOn a lighter note, I know your reference to “minaret noise” was figurative. But I do have to say that I actually enjoy the sound of Azan. It is a part of my heritage and I think it’s beautiful. I see no reason to deny my Islamic heritage or to alienate my Muslim brothers and sisters. I wish they felt the same way and had a little more respect for diversity of opinions.

  153. I as well as my buddies have already been analyzing the excellent suggestions from the website then all of the sudden I had a horrible suspicion I never thanked you for those tips. My ladies are actually consequently joyful to read them and already have truly been using them. Appreciation for genuinely considerably helpful and then for getting these kinds of ideal themes millions of individuals are really desperate to be informed on. My honest apologies for not saying thanks to you earlier.

  154. Lifer (153)-Everything you warn about in Brazil will exist in the US within five years. Hell, we’re already a Third World country.In addition, I will not have to watch the Red Bulls in Brazil.“Clot – there is a difference between retiring somewhere and actually “making it” there. As far as your list of escapes, from everything I’ve seen, the big cities in Brazil still have security issues (kidnappings, druglord violence, etc.).”

  155. Great job. I like that I can use this to avoid paging through page after page of organic keyword data when looking to build a word cloud of referring keywords.Here are the settings I used to get organic kw data:metrics: ga:visitsdimensions: ga:keyword, ga:mediumfilters: ga:medium==organicNicely paced video by the way – it was easy to 'mirror' what you were doing in the video pretty much in real time.

  156. Dude you suck!! Madonna still puts on a good show and has great music. Last year sucked and the year before that, and the year before that!!! The last time I saw a good halftime show was Prince. I’m looking forward to seeing want she does. Before you stick your foot in your mouth again. Check out her Sticky And Sweet tour from 2009. The highest grossing tour of a solo artist. 400 something million. Idiot!!

  157. slamfu The GOP are children when it comes to foreign policy. And fiscal policy. And matters of law. As far as I can tell, they make a case, float it past a few 3rd graders to see if it makes sense to them. If those 3rd graders can understand it, it becomes a GOP talking point and is then shipped out to FOX news and talk radio for disbursement to the public discourse.

  158. I am reading this book right now as well as Conquer Me for the book club. I have not given Diary of a submissive a lot of attention since I am focused on the book club but I will soon. My Sir bought it for me so I hope to read it as soon as I am done with Conquer Me. So far I agree it is a “real” kind of story and I like that. Thanks for sharing your review with us.

  159. got a postcard and a plastic bag with the information printed on the side also. They are trying to reach 1 billion pounds of food donated total, a record by the National Association of Letter Carriers. Nationwide.I went to and was going to add *the same linkie as Lea* but I won’t. for Lea.I’ll give you to go with hers.

  160. Muy interesante tu escrito, el mundo fue, es y será así. Tenemos el bien y el mal significa que tenemos el libre albedrio más democrático del universo. Lo que debemos hacer es un autoanálisis individual con la verdad por si estas en el camino equivocado y pedirle al Creador dirección primeramente. La Santísima Trinidad es el cielo y la tierra. Jesús nos da la cruz para apoyarnos porque caemos en la tentación de Satanas ya sea por acción o por omisión y es el que nos hace sufrir. LA SANTISIMA TRINIDA VIVE, TE AMA,TE CONOCE Y TE OBSERVA.

  161. UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; SET @NewSequentialID = NEWID()… it works as expected.IF I try: DECLARE @NewSequentialID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; SET @NewSequentialID = NEWSEQUENTIALID()… I receive the following error: The newsequentialid() built-in function can only be used in a DEFAULT expression for a column of type ‘uniqueidentifier’ in a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement. It cannot be combined with other operators to form a complex scalar expression.Is the ONLY solution to use your temp table method?… Any chance Microsoft will update NEWSEQUENTIALID() to work like NEWID(), or do you know of a reason why they can’t?GeorgeNOTE: Using MSSQL 2008 R2 SP2

  162. For the record, Ms. DiDonato is under no obligation to link to Ionarts, but we are very glad she did. My review of her “Floridante” with Il Complesso Barocco is forthcoming. Hopefully, my next chance to hear her live will not be too far in the future.

  163. Plus, you know well that you have to follow your gut with the blogging and the childrearing because you can’t please all of the people, all of the time. – Heck I believe you can’t please SOME of the people, ANY of the time

  164. C’est sans doute banal, mais j’ai choisi la photo de mon chien comme avatar ! Et comme on dit « tel maitre, tel chien »… vous avez raison, c’est bien un reflet de notre personnalité.Je trouve que l’avatar a un côté sympa, c’est un clin d’oeil qui dit beaucoup de choses de nous, mine de rien. Un bon usage sur le web…

  165. Sounds like you got it in the bag.Maybe it’s the nostalgia talking, but Soul Coughing was one of my faves back in college. I didn’t realize how much Mike hated life with them. I’ll have to give that podcast a listen.

  166. Great idea! I seem to be getting stung more and more too and when it's only for a couple of pounds, the 'handling charge' is so infuriating. I tend to shop with a couple of US stores/Etsy sellers who I know share my frustration.I shall look forward to your list. Do you know The Fabric Loft? I just discovered Lizzet and got some great fabrics from her.

  167. sundeepSeptember 26, 2012 Hi mary i tried to register by using my brthr card but aim un able to complete the sign up process it’s saying there was an error processing your credit card he is having sufficient balance in his card i don’t know what to do please help me is there any other chance to complete the sign up process.I entered all the details accurately please help me mary

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  171. Dans les graphiques, votre phénomène est pris en compte, le méthane est pondéré par son potentiel d’effet de serre, c’est pourquoi les graphiques sont en “équivalent CO2″Bref, on émet beaucoup moins de CH4 en volume, et quand on le majore fortement avec son “potentiel réchauffement”, et bien il reste encore nettement inférieur au CO2 (cf 1er billet)

  172. Jenny Lyn G. Posted on ` Kung sakaling nakapasa naman kau, sasabihan nman kau ng ALS teacher nyo eh.` Text nyo nlang ako kung may tanong pa kayo tungkol sa ALS.09123870002- Jenny Lyn

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  174. “The state completely failed this kid.”To say nothing of the neighborhood that this kid terrorized and the victims he preyed on…Sorry, Gustavo, but my sympathies lie first with his victims. He may have been a product of the system and the times, but once someone (even a juvenile) crosses that line enough times to become an infamous threat, he and his family have to accept that there are consequences.The fact that those consequences came ‘extraoficial’, speaks to the failure of the justice system in general, not just to Dieguito.

  175. ciao claudio , intanto complimenti x il rigore parato da buffon a totti dove sicuramente una percentuale di merito spetta a te!!! Visto le domande frequenti sui rigori ,ne approfitto anche io .Sai bene che a livello dilettantistico non riesci a prepare per tempo un eventuale rigore, per mancanza di tempo e di filmati….. il nostro rivale rigorista , lo si conosce x “sentito dire” , o magari non lo si conosce affatto , quindi ogni domenica e’ l’istinto che guida il portiere ! qualche tuo piccolo accorgimento , comportamento da condurre o riflessione e’ senz’altro di aiuto …… ciao

  176. “More women playing games and all, but I’d hate to see what kind of game is targeted towards the popular-idea of who a Cosmo reader is and what she interested in.”I’m imagining Flash games based on any given month’s cover blurbs. ‘FIND that secret spot he’s embarrassed to ask you to touch!’That and ill-conceived tie-ins, like the Desperate Housewives game.

  177. Greetings,Thank you for your kind comments. Keep supporting us and continue to log in to our website to find out more about our events!Cheers & RegardsMegaXpress Online Team

  178. Tämäpäs vaikuttaa oivalliselta paikalta! Ihan harmittaa, etten ole koskaan löytänyt tuonne oma-alotteisesti, vaikka paikka sijaitseekin ihan kotikulmilla. Mutta kiitos vinkistä, täytyypä nyt sitten pian testata! 🙂

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  181. I was just glancing through the archives and this caught my eye.. wonderful!! I want to try this soon.. Some one above has requested for Tiramisu recipe.. I am in the list too… pls post eggless tiramisu recipe when ever you can.. Thank you

  182. Vậy là xe chưa sửa xong. À mà tại mần sao một năm rồi vẫn chưa có gì mới dậy em ???Chúc em một giáng sinh an lành bên gia đình nhe !

  183. فراس قال:حالياً لا استخدم أندرويد، معي أيفون 4 لكنني أفكر في الحصول على لوميا 920 متأكد سأحصل على تجربة رائعة مع ويندوز 8

  184. You’re welcome. And that’s exactly how I came across Speed Dial. I had more sites than Chrome let you add and they didn’t allow you to increase it (at least not then, haven’t checked more recently since I’m happy with the extension). I wasn’t sure I’d like the setup early on, but it grew on me quickly.

  185. Cuando sea así de mayor quiero que me saquen en un blog como el tuyo!!Me gustaría comprar tu libro en español, ¿es posible?Un abrazo.Carlota del Río.styleundertheskin@gmail.com

  186. Hello! Found your blog recently, can't remember how. Really enjoying your posts, though.As for Mama's… it looks delicious, thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to go next time I'm up in SF 🙂

  187. With enough preparation and the right criminal defense lawyer, your legal experience can be a positive one. But treat this as the most important thing in your life as a small mistake could mean that you would have to give up your child forever.

  188. Nimik de mine, nimik de plimbarile lungi pe care le vom face pe inserat, de pozele trasnite pe care o sa le facem… nimik nimik….>:P Cum sa uiti de mine?? Sa iti fie rusiiiiiiineeeeeeeeee… anyway… i'm scrued up… ti-am lasat o postare la mine pe blog. Nu sunt multe detalii, dar da-mi un sfat, desi cel mai rezonabil e:"vezi-ti de viata ta..", stiu… eh… in fine… deci urmeaza o vara caniculara… muhahahahahaha… sau furtunoasa… da??? sa nu uitam pe cine cunosti tu…;))

  189. Personally, the top right one makes me want to click through the most, initially out of sheer curiosity (which I believe the first commenter alluded to). The URL is most prominent in this design. In the others, the URL text is washed out a bit by the lower “flames.” I read today’s post at your site and the graphic above the post seems to reflect your current emotions (a small tear drop, maybe?), which really came through in the post itself. For that reason I’m confident the top right image best symbolizes your brand, and your overall theme.

  190. Posted by on December 12, 2012 at 7:43 am Donna,Love the case studies! I watch one of Les Brown Youtube videos most mornings. I love watching one of the You Gotta Be Hungry videos, because it is a morning jolt of confidence!Andy

  191. having mixed emotions – having them, feeling them, trying to untangle and articulate them, is what makes us human. you having these feelings and talking about them with your children lets them know that it’s okay to feel, too – and I bet they’re having mixed emotions about endings and beginnings as well. we can’t be in the moment if we don’t let ourselves feel – you’re teaching them how to do both things. bravo.

  192. 1feI’m not sure why but this webtise is loading extremely slow for me. Is anyone else having this issue or is it a issue on my end? I’ll check back later on and see if the problem still exists.

  193. I’m such a dumbass.I thought the double death in the headline was referring to his character dying and then him dying, and I assumed as I started reading that it was bizarre because he had also been stabbed for real. Kind of like that chick from Heathers getting a brain tumor (I had my money on her getting fucked with a chainsaw).

  194. Hei Marlene!! Jeg har vært på mange ulike ordninger, blant annet tidsbegrenset uførestønad for unge uføre. Generelt kan jeg si at man bør prøve ALT annet før man kommer dit, for det er skikkelig nedbrytende. Vi kan godt snakke om dette på mail, jeg sender deg epostaddressen min nå:)

  195. well there is no one easy answer to this.1. You should wear loose boxer shorts to keep your boys from getting too hot.2. Eat oysters or other food that is high in zinc (zinc is used in sperm production)3. Abstain for sex or masturbation for a few days before sex.4. Eat a healthy balanced diet and try to stay fit.5. Remember that it takes on overage 2 years to conceive.

  196. Damn it all, that was my red flag as well. This would be the perfect distraction to get everyone in good spirits before ripping their hearts out by selling Torres or Masch next week.I know he plays winger too, but I was also under the impression Jovanovic would be used more at striker.

  197. or the old fashion way at 1001 Diane StInterlachen,fl 32148 i hope to hear from alot and pass this to everyone you know for instance why do schools need money between the loto and the stimulus they should be adding to schools they have it as backwards i would like to start a nationwide petition i just need help is there anyone that believes my beleifs please i urge you to contact mesincerelyBruce Schwartzbuzbros@aolo.com

  198. “In both guns, slamming a loaded mag in while the slide is locked back releases the slide. Automatic slide release, such a modern feature. I wish my 1911 would do that.”Had to come to grips (lol) with the slide thing. Too many years with too many 1911s. I finally learned after the second time wedging the web of my hand out of the slide. Owee

  199. La homsexualidad es AnormalEsta FUERA DE LA NORMA, la norma es un hombre y una mujer ( y no empiecen a decir que esto es segun el cristal con que se ve, porque VERDADERAMENTE voy a concluir que todos ustedes estan para el psiquitrico) Por algo existen DOS GENEROS y por algo encajamos tan bien cada vez que nos revolcamos.No es bueno ni malo es ANORMAL.

  200. Malkovich est un excellent acteur. Ya pas a dire, passer par le théâtre anglais ça forme des vedettes à cou sûre. Il serait idéeal dans ce rôle selon moi

  201. Ik heb ook een vraag over dit recept: het gaat over de custard. Moet dat custardpoeder zijn (omdat het in grammen staat, leek me dit welhet geval) of reeds aangemaakte custard, de pudding dus? Er staat nl. ‘roer de custard los’ , dus dat is wat onduidelijk.Bij voorbaat dank!

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  203. Dióhéj, mihez képest, ugyebár… :))) Pécs nekem örök szerelmem, hiába költöztünk falura, én pécsi maradok mindig. :)Anikó, remek lesz újra együtt! :))

  204. Gosh, jeg sitter her med tÃ¥rer i øynene etter din flotte historie og dine alltid supre bilder om frøken Pus. Jeg hÃ¥per dere holder ut med henne og gir henne det hjemmet hun fortjener. Hun har tydeligvis hatt en hard start pÃ¥ livet, stakkar. Jeg krysser fingrene for at hun fÃ¥r et langt og lykkelig liv, sÃ¥nn som alle de andre dyrene deres.Varm klem, Kristin 🙂

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  206. I do enjoy the way you have framed this situation plus it really does give us some fodder for consideration. Nonetheless, from everything that I have observed, I just hope as the commentary stack on that individuals continue to be on issue and don’t start upon a soap box associated with some other news of the day. Yet, thank you for this outstanding point and though I do not necessarily go along with this in totality, I regard your viewpoint.

  207. Guy, thanks for letting me know that you found this post interesting. I also appreciate that you took time to share your own post with me and my readers. This is what I enjoy so much about blogging — the way in which one idea sparks another, jumping from one blogger to the next. Thanks for taking time to stop by and post your comment.

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  210. Hi Noelle, I remember a friend sayong that reg fees before only costs 200 – may singlet ka pa! It IS sad that prices are going up and runners are being affected by it. I remember the editorial written in Runners World Ph – “running is like a party, you don’t always go just because you’re invited” – or something to that effect. Anyway, I hope that runners also realize that we don’t have to register in runs to enjoy running. We just have to get out the door and run! But you’re right. A little transparency would help a lot!

  211. if you wanna make money you have to spend money the saying goes and I honestly spent tons of it! im so happy I did though cause i finally found the one course that really changed my life and I’d buy again a million times if i had too, its that good!. if you take it seriously you can start getting paid within the first week. just watch it here: /watch?v=BoLSmuvl57g «–

  212. sudah saya kirimkan data-datanya tgl 2 Desember 2012 dan saya ulang lagi pada tgl 26 Desember 2012 hasilnya sama cuma dibalas oleh Auto Responder dan di daftar stokis tidak ada perubahan

  213. So. You guys have frozen views on yet another of our videos. I guess we'll pull them all down and scrap any interaction with YouTube since it's not really worth our time at this point. I even paid $75 in ad words to try and get views restarted on one of our videos and they still weren't counted. Last time I checked, Google owned YouTube. So doesn't that constitute straigh-up fraud??

  214. Hi Mandy,This is such a beautiful card and you have made this new stamp look so much more appealing now, as I'm not keen on most of these new Tildas either 🙁 She looks absolutely gorgeous – and I love her pink flippers! Such delish embellies and details, Have a fab weekend, Hugs, Teresa x

  215. Good day. Very cool blog!! Man .. Excellent .. Wonderful .. I will bookmark your website and take the feeds also…I am glad to locate numerous useful info here in the article. Thanks for sharing…

  216. July 6, 2009  4:42 PM by Erica favorite cookie… what a hard choice, but i think i would have to settle for a chewy, rich chocolate chip cookie… and warm 🙂 i love a good chewy cookie and who can say no to chocolate? 🙂

  217. Thank goodness! I went from 2,525 to 2,480. I'm very happy to hear that you're fixing it cause I was freaking out this morning. lol. Having so many subs means a lot to me and I'm glad it will be fixed! Thanks!

  218. Nice version! I’m trying to follow the playing with the Tab mentioned here. The tab shows some full C chords. I watched the video many times and it seems that the song was played in finger-picking style, I cannot hear or see full C chords played. Is there some trick here?

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  220. Eh les correcteurs … on dit vulgum pecus ou vulgum pecum ????En tous cas merci pour ce blog qui me permet de savourer des découvertes linguistiques qui me piquent et m’enchantent.

  221. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. As far as "shattering the enemy's main strength and moving on",and recognizing that the enemy is not just Afghanistan,it seems that the enemy's main strength is its 1400 yr old ideology. (it's not anything technical, that's for sure)How are we going to smash that?

  222. I enjoyed this book from beginning to end. Kunstler’s ability to capture the reader’s attention is marvelous. He’s funny, persuasive and intellegent in his writing. He throws us a little political curve ball here and there, while fully involving us in the seemingly frivolous lives of his characters. I enjoyed meeting Maggie Darling and being thrust into her life. Nicely done, Kunstler. In testimony to the way truly good books engage us, you stole me away for the better part of the week!

  223. When I initially commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get four e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Thanks!

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  225. Vad roligt att du kommit igång. Bikramyoga är helt fantastiskt och på samma gång en näradödenupplevelse för en del. Vad roligt att det nu kommit utanför de största städerna och blir tillgängligt för fler. Tycker absolut att du ska prova! Glöm inte att fylla på med vätska före och efter bara, det är nästan 40 grader och man svettas rejält ! Tack för inspirerande blogg!

  226. latest twitter about football — funny as all get out.latest twitter about football — the dream is crushed. You will never be hanging out with moi on a picture perfect Saturday in Ann Arbor, Michigan under perfect Midwestern blue skies singing “Hail, to the Victors!”latest twitter about football — just a reason to check in. Say hello and ask for more live shows….in NYC preferably.

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  228. Hallo, hat jetzt doch gefunzt. Eine Frage: Ist es möglich die Textbox rechts oben auszublenden, wenn man keinen Text angezeigt haben möchte? Wenn man keinen Text eingibt erscheint eine transparente graue Box. Danke.

  229. you proved my point ignorance is bliss had you read my whole statement maybe then you would be commenting with intelligence. I stated education is the answer and you staTed children don't even know who Malcom, MedgAr are, RIGHT EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING IF YOU HAD BOTHERED TO READ INSTEAD OF WANTING TO HEAR YOUR SELF TALK!!!!!

  230. Jeg kunne gjerne tenke meg Ã¥ se en artikkel med veiledene punkter, en vær varsom plakat, for trening- og kostholdsbloggere. Det er en kategori som tiltrekker seg mange spiseforstyrrede, og jeg tror det kan være til hjelp (forebygge spiseforstyrrede «ideer») om bloggerne vet hva de burde og ikke burde fortelle om sitt forhold til kosthold og trening.

  231. Gerry,Where can I get the third volume of 春官誌? I checked kyujangkak site, but there are only two of them. I’m looking for the part “倭、今に至るまで、復た鬱陵を指して日本の地と為さず。皆龍福の功なり (Japanese until today do not claim Ulleungdo as Japanese territory.The credit should go to Ahn)” in the original document. If you could find the part, could you please post the page and the lines in Chinese? Thank you, as always.

  232. “2. Apple have never created a new product.”well, Apple created with Kodak the Digital Camera.and we could speak about Quicktime and Hypercard for hours.-If Apple never created a new product, then what could we say about Google and Samsung ?Google even did not invented the Web Search !what is the point ?You are speaking about coolness, philosophy or whatever your fancy is now : it’s geekness.-There are only one truth : Ios 6 Maps is a regression to Google Maps. The data are not as good than Google’s one.